Ensuring your SMSF is compliant

We have recently launched a new service – The SMSF Updates Subscription. Owing to the ever changing SMSF rules and regulations we have developed a subscription service that automatically updates your SMSF PDS and Deed annually (if required) to ensure it is fully compliant.
An NTAA Corporate fund can join the subscription at establishment, variation or at any other time. Other funds can also subscribe but require a deed of variation. Deeds of variation are usually $275 but for orders of 10 or more variations, please call to discuss a potentially discounted rate.
The SMSF Updates Subscription means you only need to be familiar with one deed.
The most important question of all. How much is it? The SMSF Updates Subscription is only $88 p.a. It can be paid by the trustee or your practice, depending on your preference. Furthermore you can unsubscribe at any time without penalty.
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